Friday, September 2, 2011

Working experience

Just woke up couple hours ago and taken breakfast. :) No plan for Friday. I know it's Friday and it's still my holiday but I got 0 plan today. Plan to slumber on my couch and watch tv shows ! Since I got nothing to do, I would like to share some of my experience with my dearly friends. 

Currently listening to - Celine Dion : Immortality 

Alright, if you're so into marketing, maybe you shall continue reading because I'm a person who is so into marketing too. I learnt majority of it from my working experience.  I'm more major on service line, more on a business developer. 

How to define yourself as business developer or businessman/businesswoman ? 

Businessman/Businesswoman - Always have this kind of mind of "business is not a charity", when money comes first, they will attack the money. Businessman is someone who involve management of a company. Money is a very sensitive issue to them. 

Business developer - In short therm, they more focus on building relationship with customers to gain long term relationship in the future. They are more on generate ideas and initiatives to work with other partners. 

First case I met : 

I was working at this roadshow by a biscuit company. I shall not mention it's name at here. ;) Basically I'm a coordinator for the game booth, take care the children and guide them how to play. Been working for 4 days, it's not that I don't like this job, it's just that this is not much I passion with. On the last day, there's this guy (I think he's the boss) asked me to work at sales department.

Alright, everyone knows biscuit it's a need because it's food. Customers walk in to the booth, definitely they will buy at least one packet. Me myself, set a goal of - every customer of mine must buy at least 2 packets from me. If customer with potential, then I shall ask him/her to buy 4. 

I guess I did it. I kept promoting and telling them the product knowledge, educate them with my passion. When we're in sales, we are actually educating someone with something we passion with. It's okay if you consume a lot time on a customer because you're actually building a very good relationship between him/her with the company. I sold off all the peanut butter and cheese flavor. I got a lot compliment from customers and even sales person from the biscuit company. That's my satisfaction and this satisfaction drive me to another stage. This is my intrinsic motivation, no one can decide it for me.  

I know many people might thinking, I just do the talking, no photos, no videos, no prove at all. But in fact, you don't have to explain to others how much effort you put in, how much time you consumed, all this explanation you can keep it away because when the moment you start explain, you already lose on the game. You don't need to explain because when you got your own result, people will come to you. 

Every successful entrepreneur do not have a lot friends when they just started their business because when it comes to problem, people tend to avoid it, especially money issue. Only few of true friends will be side of the entrepreneur. Believe it or not ? Observe yourself. Once they entrepreneur come out something big and success, people automatically will go towards him/her just to get something that will benefit themselves. People never think of what kind of benefit can they give to others or society  but only think of what benefit can they get from others. 

That's all for today. More sharing on next post. 

Till then, xoxo :) 

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