Sunday, September 18, 2011

Easy is not an option.

There are few reasons why people fear to be involved in direct selling or sales department.  One of the reason is the basic are dirt low, some don't even have their basic. Secondly, they are afraid of rejection and the word NO. Few friends of mine always ask me this question " Pei Ying, are you in direct selling or network marketing like Amway, Cosway and etc etc ? My answer was " Is that a problem for you if I join or I don't ?

I don't see any problem of joining in direct selling or involve myself in sales department. From my opinion : direct selling it's just an another word for promoter. For an example : When you're working in PC fair, the crowd are keep coming in and you are so aggressive therefore you keep on hard sell on your products. In fact, in our lifetime, we're keep on selling ourself to others. 

Let's say you graduated from Taylor College, you got a good result and looking for a secure job but ask yourself " Why employer needs to employ you but not others" ? It is because you're from Taylor or you can sell your professional to your boss ? In future, is either you sell your ideas to your business partners or you sell your professional to your boss. 

Due to I'm so in love in marketing, that's why I don't mind to receive tons of rejection and tons of critics because from there I learnt form my mistakes and from my mistakes, I've grown to be someone better. It's not a big deal to be failure because I believe there's no failure only learning experience. 

Why join a direct selling company if you plan to start up a company ? 

~ Starting up a business is never an easy task. Statistics has shown that 90% of small to medium businesses fail within the first 2 years of operation. Many individuals struggle as they turn from employees to being self-employed. Newly born entrepreneurs simply do not understand what it takes to make a business successful. Despite so, many dive into a business with the hope of making big money without proper planning. More often than not these group end up with a huge business debt and a ruined reputation.

According to international best seller Robert Kiyosaki (author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad), a business is made up of 8 elements. When you are involved in a direct selling company, you put these 8 elements into practice. Applying these practices will build up the experience that is needed to start up and run your business successfully. 

1. Mission
An individual who wants to own a business must have a mission in life. The mission of a business owner drafts out the goals and objectives of his or her business. A direct selling company always emphasizes on their mission and their vision. Distributors are often encouraged to set their own targets so that they will be disciplined to achieve their goals in life.

2. Leadership
“Leadership is the ability to get extraordinary achievement from ordinary people.” Brian Tracy. The purpose of leadership in businesses is to guide the many opinions of people within the organization to one direction so that they will head towards the business’ goals. If leadership skills are not present, distractions often occur which prevent businesses to be effective. In direct selling, all members are given leadership training either by their company or by their up line. Training is provided free or at a low cost as members are encouraged to recruit, develop and maintain its’ own down line.

3. Team
The top companies in the world become successful not because of luck, but because they employ the right people to do the right job. Not only do they do this right, they also chose the cream of the crop to work for them. In the direct selling business, new members may not have the chance to be parked under a good team. Nevertheless, they have the right to select a talented team for themselves whom they can build their business on. By being involved in network marketing, an individual is able to obtain skills to determine who he or she can work with. In the business world, having these team-working skills will prevent unhealthy politics to take place.    
4. Product
Product; be it a good or a service is the element that generates income for a business. Many small businesses fail because the owners sell what they desire but not what consumers desire. Insufficient research is done to determine if the product will sell in the market. A direct selling company usually does a thorough research on market demand before it launches its products. This simplifies distributors’ quantitative research and it increases opportunity for them to conduct qualitative research. In other words, distributors are aware that there is a demand and he or she is able to find out what consumers are looking for specifically. These first hand information obtained are useful for the business that they plan to start up in the future. However for this to be effective, a direct selling approach must be accompanied by questions to probe further on identifying prospects’ desires. 

5. Legal
Businesses that face legal lawsuits risk damaging its’ own reputation. A network marketer who understands the reason behind each direct selling company’s rules and regulations minimizes the risk of failure for his or her own future personal business. 

6. Systems
A business system is a structure which specifies the pathway of how it runs. It is a collection of steps that has to be carried out to ensure the long term growth of the business. When there is a system in place, work can be carried out productively. Being involved with a direct selling company offers members the opportunity to manage a ready built system. Upon understanding the system, entrepreneurs can then creatively modify and integrate the effectiveness of this strategic system to their new business model. 

7. Communications
Businesses communicate to the public via its marketing strategies, public relations and customer service personnel. For long term survival, it is vital for every business to build its own brand awareness early at the startup stage. The most cost effective method is to use the word-of-mouth strategy. Despite so, many direct selling companies move into advertising in the media to promote their products. Joining a network marketing company will enable you to identify and learn from the methods used by the company to engage the public’s involvement in the business or as loyal customers. The strategies used can then be innovatively duplicated to reach your future customers.      

8. Cash Flow
Businesses rely on cash flow for survival. When there is cash flow, businesses can start to plan for expansion. The way direct selling members manage their personal income and expenditures in most cases reflects the way they manage their future business’ cash flow. This is because in direct selling, distributors are not given a basic salary. Likewise majority of small business owners do not get any funding. These two groups of people have to initially rely on their savings to keep their business in operation. Thus a good indicator to find out if you will be successful in starting up and running your own small business successfully is if you are able to generate a consistent income from a direct selling business for at least 2 years.

People are so afraid to take risk when they don't even take their first step. When friend A said : Pei Ying, why are you working so hard right now ? You afraid you cannot work in the future meh ? Friend B said : Sales very hard to do, I don't like. I don't like sell items to people.  

To be honest, I'm practicing this 8 elements in my job, especially in the specific field. Maybe it's still under the progress, no result, just talk but I believe someday I will shine. Not today, not tomorrow but I know someday :)

Dear friends, there's no intention on this post, just sharing but what I'm trying to tell is easy is not an option. Start learning about value of money and figure out what is your pathway. Easy comes, easy goes. Life's hard, if it's hard then do it hard. There's always no short cut for success ! 

Agree or don't ? It's okay for me.. 

Till then, xoxo :) 

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