Friday, September 30, 2011

I'm back !

It's been days again I abandon my blog. Just to update my friends, I'm back to study life ;) I'm back to University Nottingham Malaysia Campus. I got so excited when I know I got accepted by Nottingham and right now I'm in Bsc Applied Psychology and Management Studies. 

It's been tough days for past few months Facing quite number of failure and I'm glad that I'm once again stand up and ready to fight. To be honest, I hate that process but I guess this is life. Life's hard and if it's hard then let's do it hard. Failure will never is an excuse for me to give up because I always remembered there's no failure only learning experiences. I facing experiences that people never had and from there I gain my knowledge . 

One thing I learnt from this long holiday was - You don't have to explain yourself to everybody because the moment you start to explain, you already losing half side of it. It's always not how people look at us,  but it's how we look at ourself.  Short and fat ? I still rule myself in the world, I still get what I want with my effort and hard work. 

Till then, I shall wish everyone all the best in your studies. Next update coming up soon. (: 

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