Sunday, September 4, 2011


Why am I different from others ?  

Did you ever ask yourself this question ? Why are you different compare to others ? Let's don't talk about fashion, hairdo, or appearance because all this are given naturally. You can change it if you want as right now clothing are more fashionable, technology are more advanced and you can just go Korean make some changes. 

Let's talk about self achievement. Why am I different from her/him ? Why is the guy making hell a lot of money at the age of 18, 19, 20 or 21 ? Why is this girl getting her own business while she still studying ? Why am I not ? 

What did you achieve at your current age right now ? Does this achievement bring you to another stage of better standard living ? If no, please do some improvement. What I mean here is - if you think you have a sex life before age 21 and that's your achievement, please. Kindly re think. Will this achievement bring you good life in future ? Maybe you agree to be a gigolo ? I don't know

People just don't believe they can actually do what they want. They just don't believe because they don't believe with themselves and majority of them got influence by friends around them. For an example - Samantha, this business cannot do la, so high risk, slow return. How to earn big money ? 

But the problem here is how your friends know it's high risk and slow return when they not even contribute themselves in something new or that particular field. Believe at here is very important because with your believe, you put your words into action and action brings you reality story. Can you drive Jaguar at the age of 24 ? You doubt it but some other people had proven this to you. It's not about they're smarter than us but it's about how much they believe in dreams and that believe turn it to determination. 

Human being are very funny. They don't believe it until it really happen in front of their eyes. In fact, before you want it to be happen, you have to believe it. Does it make sense here ? If you don't believe yourself you can actually make your 1st million, will it happen ? It won't happen here because you did 0 action on it, you put 0 effort. However, if you believe that you can make your 1st million by age 23, you will start turn your believe to action and will this action bring you amazing outcome ? 

Guess what ? Your action will put you into recognition. Take it or leave it ?  Please allow me to share one of my video :) He's a Malaysian, he believes what he believe. 

Spend some time on this video. Hopefully it can inspire you :) You can google him for more information. Thanks for reading. 

Till then, xoxo. 

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