Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fun Fun Fun

I guess I'm pretty lucky because I got to have fun with my best friend before knowing my result of my reassessment. Well, what I can said is I really did my best, I put in 100% effort but results did not come out what I want. In the pathway of being success, there's definitely a process of being failure because we always have to learn from mistakes. There's no failure, only learning experience. I hope I can finish my degree at Notts. Hope all my friends will see me running around at Nottingham on this coming semester.

Back to the title, I was sharing I had fun with my best friend at Viva Home. We had our brunch as there also, we ate "Kam Lin Kei". When I first saw the shop, I was so excited because this shop original was from Petaling Street, famous Hokkien Mee at there. My first attempt was at Lot 10, treated by a nice friend. Right now, totally in love with the hokkien mee.

After had our brunch together, we walked around and chat around. We bought some childhood stuff !  Let's check out :D

Tadah! :D The high 5 pen and peace sign pen. :D

There's a video of us playing with this awesome pen. I will post it up to facebook someday :) REAL SOON ! :D Hopefully la.. Before we ciao, of course we camwhore ! OH myyyy, I got this swollen eyes, round face. Scary des.


Her outfit of the day :) She looks slimmer ;)

The basic simple friendship bond between this two girls :D

Hanging around the mall for 3 hours then we got to ciao :) We had shared a lot a lot of stories together ;) We have been sticking with each other for 3 years, this year going to be the fourth year. Can you imagine ? We did not plan to study the same high school, didn't plan for study at the same University too but I guess fate brought us together and gave us a very strong bond. 

What friendship means to you ? To me it's - To infinity and beyond ! x) 

Till then, xoxo

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