Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Starting business ?

We see young entrepreneur everywhere nowadays and they're doing really good but one fact about them is " the start up fast, the lost up very fast too". To start up a business is always easy but to maintain the flow of business and let it live a legacy is hard. This require a lot of patient, time and money ! :) Nowadays, young entrepreneur don't do critical thinking, once they face a problem, they will refer back to older generation, seek for advises or go for a consultation from business person. 

Ask yourself, why older generation they can maintain their business for few generations ? Here's the trick ! People from older generation, the technology was still not advance, education was limited, there's no such thing call internet or google, even a business consultant. What they did was - they run away ?  No, they use critical thinking, they spend time to think it till they figure out the way to solve it. That's why the business can maintain well because they have personal experience and they won't repeat the same mistakes. 

All entrepreneurs are risk-takers, but good entrepreneurs are also risk-managers. Risk-adjusted returns are easy to calculate if you accurately measure the probability of failure. Not to say all but some of the young entrepreneur they don't take risk, they play safe. It's good to play safe but when it comes to safe means you earning limited money. In a business, we are talking about cash flow, cash flow is the king ! Most new business fail because they don't have enough money, even having some cash on your hand is never enough. It has to be profitable

Secondly emotions and business don't mix well. If you are like me and have been screwed over, the first feeling that goes to your head is anger. I know it is hard to control, but keep in mind that you can’t let emotions get in your way. All it will do is cloud your judgment. Instead of letting the anger get to you, try and end the relationship on peaceful terms. Even if that means you are going to end up with the short end of the stick, at least the other party won’t be able to say anything bad about you. And once the relationship is over, you also don’t want to say anything bad about the them.

Last but not least, get a business partner that you can mix well. A business partner will not only work harder than employees but someone who willing to face failure with you and enjoy happiness with you. It's hard to do everything, business partners can spilt up the task  and you will be able to settle certain tasks, this make the business more efficiency. You can never have a big enough network. If you have a business partner, you can reach his/her network, this help business growth also. 

That's all for my post ;) Once again, this is my personal opinion of the whole picture, of course there're more to share but not going to write all here, as while you reading you might get bored or it's not like I wanna write a book here. Here's my last tips :

Don't expect miracles happen in business. No matter what, you'll make mistakes but the key to success lies within learning from your mistakes. 

Till then, xoxo :) 

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