Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Back to year 2008

Alright, I'm having a good holiday mood and I was too bored and I got started reading back my older entries and I realized I did something silly yet it was so okay for me during year 2008, at the age of 16.

I had this very short hair cut ! Very short and I was like some kido, looking extremely ugly as well. HAHA. Telling the whole world about " no honey star no happy, no him no love " Isn't that childish ? Oh Maih God ! This so call quote was the first entry of my blog back to year 2008. I got so sensitive with numbering of 12, even since I see the number of 12, it links to everything about the love one.

Back to year 2008, it was my first year in Sri Cempaka. Weishin We and Ivin Tan were my two closest friends at Sri Cempaka  because we had the same tuition together :) The most amazing thing during our tuition was - we talked about our boyfriend before the classes start,  after class dismiss and it's still about our boyfriend.

I kept reading on my entries and suddenly this post just made a pause on my reading :
Dar sorry to kacau you but you eat your dinner already ? and I view your blog. I wan to tell you I deserve to have you I don't care what my friends said. Want say mah let them say la, this kind of friend I don't have also nvm. oklah, that is all I wan to said, take care~ love you, muackzzz...

Awww :) This is very sweet text ! This will melt your heart, isn't ? HAHA ! I have to admit this is like a puppy love during high school but I did enjoyed very much and it always will be part of my old good memories deep inside my heart. 

As time goes by, things change, human change, my thinking changed too. Everything around me gone very different but I still prefer the old style love, that kind of love seriously will mark a very remarkable scar deep inside your heart. Should I say love is powerful ? :) 

Till then, xoxo. 

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